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Cheylin Jr/sr High

Bird City, 605 Bird Ave, Bird City, KS 67731, USA

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of 2 schools, Bird City

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7 - 12

Features, Cheylin Jr/sr High

Middle school
High school

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General information, Cheylin Jr/sr High

Cheylin Jr/Sr High is a school located in Bird City, Kansas. It offers classes for grades 7-12 and provides a well-rounded education in various disciplines. The school has modern facilities including classrooms, a library, a gymnasium, and a cafeteria.

The classes at Cheylin Jr/Sr High cover a wide range of subjects including English, math, science, social studies, and foreign languages. The school also offers electives such as art, music, computer science, and physical education. The teachers are dedicated and experienced, providing a supportive learning environment.

The school maintains high academic standards and encourages students to excel in their studies. With a focus on college and career readiness, Cheylin Jr/Sr High prepares students for their future endeavors. The small class sizes allow for individualized attention and personalized instruction.

One of the advantages of attending Cheylin Jr/Sr High is the close-knit community and supportive atmosphere. The school fosters a sense of belonging and encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports teams, clubs, and community service.

Overall, Cheylin Jr/Sr High is a comprehensive school that provides a quality education for students in grades 7-12. Its dedicated staff, modern facilities, and diverse curriculum contribute to a positive and enriching learning experience.

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