USA, Point Pleasant Beach Selectarea instituțiilor

Longfellow Elementary School

Iowa City, 1130 Seymour Ave, Iowa City, IA 52240, USA

Informații generale



din 17 școli, Iowa City

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Contacte, Longfellow Elementary School



(319) 688-1135

Telefoane de contact


PK - 6

Setările instituției, Longfellow Elementary School

De stat
Pre gradiniță
Școala medie

Rating, Longfellow Elementary School

Această instituție nu a fost încă evaluată


Ratingul site-ului









Fotografiile adaugate de utilizatori, Longfellow Elementary School

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Informația generală, Longfellow Elementary School

Longfellow Elementary School is located in Iowa City, Iowa and serves a diverse community of students. The school offers classes from kindergarten to fifth grade, providing a strong foundation in all academic subjects including math, science, language arts, and social studies. The dedicated and highly qualified faculty at Longfellow Elementary School is committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating learning environment where students can thrive.

The school's facilities are well-maintained and equipped with modern amenities to support effective teaching and learning. Longfellow Elementary School also provides various extracurricular activities such as music, art, and physical education, fostering students' creativity, talent, and physical development.

Pros of Longfellow Elementary School include a strong emphasis on academic excellence, a supportive and inclusive learning environment, and dedicated faculty and staff who prioritize the success of every student. The diverse student body at Longfellow Elementary School also contributes to a rich cultural and social experience for all students.

Cons of Longfellow Elementary School include limited parking space available for parents and visitors and occasional overcrowding in some classrooms due to high enrollment. However, the school administration is actively working on addressing these challenges to ensure the best possible experience for students and their families.

USA, Point Pleasant Beach Autorizare