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Rushville Consolidated High School

Rushville, Lions Path, Rushville, IN 46173, USA

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General information, Rushville Consolidated High School

Rushville Consolidated High School is a comprehensive public high school located in Rushville, Indiana. It offers a wide range of classes and disciplines to students from grades 9 to 12. The school's curriculum includes core subjects such as English, math, science, and social studies, as well as elective courses in areas like fine arts, physical education, and technology. The facilities at Rushville Consolidated High School are well-maintained and include classrooms equipped with modern technology, a library, a gymnasium, and sports fields. The school has a dedicated and experienced faculty who strive to provide a quality education to each student.

Pros of Rushville Consolidated High School include a strong sense of community, extracurricular activities, and a variety of academic programs. The school encourages student involvement through clubs, sports teams, and community service opportunities. Students have the chance to pursue their interests and develop valuable skills outside of the classroom. The school also offers advanced placement (AP) courses for students looking to challenge themselves academically.

However, some potential cons of Rushville Consolidated High School may include limited course offerings compared to larger schools and the rural location, which may require longer commutes for some students. It is important for prospective students and their families to consider these factors when evaluating their options.

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