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North Side Elementary School

Hartford City, 400 E McDonald St, Hartford City, IN 47348, USA

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General information, North Side Elementary School

North Side Elementary School is located in Hartford City, Indiana. It offers classes for students from kindergarten to fifth grade. The school follows a comprehensive curriculum that includes subjects like English, math, science, social studies, and physical education. Specialists in art, music, and physical education provide additional enrichment to the students.

The school has well-equipped classrooms with modern technology to facilitate effective learning. There is a library that nurtures a love for reading among students. The cafeteria ensures that students have access to nutritious meals. The playground and outdoor sports facilities promote physical fitness and recreation.

North Side Elementary School focuses on providing a safe and inclusive environment for its students. The dedicated staff members strive to create a positive learning atmosphere and engage students in interactive and hands-on activities. The school emphasizes the development of essential skills and knowledge, preparing students for a successful academic journey.

Pros: - Comprehensive curriculum covering various subjects - Modern classrooms with technology - Enrichment programs in art, music, and physical education - Library and cafeteria facilities - Safe and inclusive environment Cons: - No mention of specific extracurricular activities or clubs

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