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North Vernon Elementary School

North Vernon, 810 W Walnut St, North Vernon, IN 47265, USA

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Features, North Vernon Elementary School

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, North Vernon Elementary School

North Vernon Elementary School is a public school located in North Vernon, Indiana. It offers classes for students from kindergarten to 5th grade. The school follows a comprehensive curriculum that includes subjects like language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education.

The school boasts a dedicated team of experienced teachers who provide quality education to the students. They use innovative teaching methods to engage the students and ensure effective learning. The classrooms are equipped with modern technology to enhance the learning experience.

In addition to the core subjects, the school also offers a wide range of extracurricular activities to nurture the talents of the students. These activities include music, art, drama, and sports. The school has excellent facilities for these activities, including a well-equipped music room and an art studio.

The school aims to create a positive and inclusive learning environment where every student can thrive. It promotes values like respect, responsibility, and resilience. Parent involvement is encouraged, and the school organizes various events and workshops to strengthen the bond between parents, students, and teachers.

Overall, North Vernon Elementary School provides a well-rounded education with a strong focus on academic excellence and holistic development. With its dedicated faculty, diverse curriculum, and excellent facilities, it is an ideal choice for parents seeking quality education for their children.

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