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Luce Elementary School

Richland City, 1057 N County Rd 700 W, Richland City, IN 47634, USA

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KG - 5

Features, Luce Elementary School

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Luce Elementary School

Luce Elementary School is located in Richland City, Indiana. The school offers classes for students from grades K-5. The school follows a comprehensive curriculum that includes subjects such as English, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education.

With a dedicated team of teachers and staff, Luce Elementary School focuses on providing a nurturing and challenging learning environment for all students. The school encourages active participation and fosters the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

The school boasts a range of facilities including spacious classrooms, a library, a computer lab, and a playground. These facilities contribute to the overall educational experience and provide students with opportunities for both academic and recreational activities.

The pros of Luce Elementary School include its experienced and passionate teachers, a safe and supportive learning environment, and a strong emphasis on parent involvement. The school also offers extracurricular activities such as music, art, and sports. These activities help students explore their interests and talents.

On the downside, some cons of Luce Elementary School may include limited resources for specialized programs and a relatively small campus compared to larger schools. However, the dedicated staff and commitment to providing quality education make up for any limitations.

Overall, Luce Elementary School is an excellent educational institution that strives to empower its students with knowledge and skills for their academic and personal growth.

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