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Lake Hills Elementary School

Michigan City, 201 Ferguson Rd, Michigan City, IN 46360, USA

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of 13 schools, Michigan City

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KG - 6

Features, Lake Hills Elementary School

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Lake Hills Elementary School

Lake Hills Elementary School is located in Michigan City, Indiana. The school offers classes from kindergarten to fifth grade, providing education for children in the age range of 5-11 years old. The curriculum focuses on core subjects such as Math, English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. Additionally, students have opportunities to participate in various extracurricular activities including music, art, and physical education.

The facility at Lake Hills Elementary School includes well-equipped classrooms, a library, a playground, and a cafeteria. The classrooms are comfortable and provide a conducive learning environment for students. The library offers a wide range of books and resources to support the students' learning and encourage reading. The playground provides ample space for outdoor activities and helps promote physical fitness among the students. The cafeteria serves nutritious meals to students, ensuring their well-being.

Pros of Lake Hills Elementary School include dedicated and experienced teachers, a well-rounded curriculum that caters to the overall development of students, and a supportive and inclusive environment. The staff at the school strive to create a safe and nurturing atmosphere where every student can thrive academically and personally. They encourage parent involvement and maintain open lines of communication.

However, one potential con could be the limited availability of certain specialized programs or resources, as Lake Hills Elementary School focuses primarily on providing a comprehensive education for students in the core subjects.

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