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L F Smith Elementary

Columbus, 4505 Waycross Dr, Columbus, IN 47203, USA

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of 16 schools, Columbus

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PK - 6

Features, L F Smith Elementary

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, L F Smith Elementary

L F Smith Elementary Columbus is a school located in Columbus, IN. It offers classes from pre-kindergarten to 6th grade, providing education to a wide range of students. The school emphasizes a comprehensive curriculum, including subjects such as math, science, English language arts, social studies, and physical education.

L F Smith Elementary Columbus boasts excellent facilities that support a conducive learning environment. The classrooms are well-equipped with modern technology and resources to aid in effective teaching and learning. The school also has a library that offers various books and educational materials for students to explore and expand their knowledge.

The experienced and dedicated teaching staff at L F Smith Elementary Columbus ensure that students receive quality education and individual attention. They strive to create a nurturing and inclusive atmosphere, where students can grow academically, socially, and emotionally.

Prospective students can expect a wide range of extracurricular activities such as sports, arts, and clubs, providing opportunities for students to develop their talents and interests outside the classroom. The school's emphasis on character building and fostering positive values also helps students become responsible and respectful individuals.

In summary, L F Smith Elementary Columbus offers a comprehensive education to students from pre-kindergarten to 6th grade. With excellent facilities, dedicated teachers, and a focus on holistic development, this school provides a nurturing and inclusive learning environment for students.

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