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George Rogers Clark Md/hs

Whiting, 1921 Davis Ave, Whiting, IN 46394, USA

General information



of 5 schools, Whiting

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Contacts, George Rogers Clark Md/hs


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6 - 12

Features, George Rogers Clark Md/hs

Middle school
High school

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General information, George Rogers Clark Md/hs

George Rogers Clark is a Maryland/High school located in Whiting, IN. It offers classes from MD to HS, serving students of various ages and grade levels. The school provides a diverse range of disciplines, including STEM, humanities, and arts. With well-equipped facilities, including modern classrooms, science labs, and a gymnasium, students have access to an excellent learning environment.

George Rogers Clark's curriculum is designed to encourage students to explore their interests and expand their knowledge. The dedicated staff and passionate teachers ensure that students receive a quality education and individualized attention. The school also offers extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports teams, providing opportunities for students to engage in personal growth and skill development outside the classroom.

Pros of attending George Rogers Clark include a diverse curriculum that caters to the interests of different students, a supportive and caring staff, and access to state-of-the-art facilities. Cons specific to the school are unavailable.

Overall, George Rogers Clark is a Maryland/High school that offers a comprehensive educational experience, fostering academic growth and personal development in a nurturing environment.

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