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Fairview Elementary School

Logansport, 846 S Cicott St, Logansport, IN 46947, USA

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PK - 5

Features, Fairview Elementary School

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Fairview Elementary School

Fairview Elementary School is a well-respected educational institution located in Logansport, Indiana. The school offers classes for students in grades K-6, providing them with a solid foundation for their academic journey. The curriculum at Fairview Elementary School focuses on academic excellence and character development. Highly qualified and dedicated teachers are committed to providing quality education to the students. The school boasts modern and well-equipped classrooms that create an optimal learning environment for the students. The library is fully stocked with a wide range of books to support reading and research needs. The computer lab is equipped with the latest technology to enhance digital literacy skills. Fairview Elementary School also has an expansive playground where students can engage in physical activities and develop their social skills. The gymnasium is a versatile space that serves as a platform for various indoor sports and extracurricular activities. One of the highlights of Fairview Elementary School is its strong community involvement. The school actively engages with parents, organizing events and workshops to foster a collaborative relationship between the school and families. The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, providing students with opportunities to explore their interests and talents outside the classroom. These activities promote personal growth, teamwork, and leadership. While Fairview Elementary School has numerous strengths, it does face some challenges. Limited resources for special education can make it difficult to provide tailored support to students with specific needs. However, the dedicated staff strives to create an inclusive environment for all students. Overall, Fairview Elementary School is a commendable institution that prioritizes academic excellence, character development, and community engagement. It provides students with a well-rounded education and prepares them for future success.
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