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Danville Community High School

Danville, 100 Warrior Way, Danville, IN 46122, USA

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of 4 schools, Danville

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High school

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General information, Danville Community High School

Danville Community High School is a comprehensive high school located in Danville, Indiana. The school offers a wide range of classes in various disciplines. Students can select from core subjects such as English, math, science, and history, as well as elective courses in fine arts, technology, physical education, and more.

At Danville Community High School, students are grouped into different grades, ranging from 9th to 12th. The school provides a supportive and challenging academic environment that promotes the growth and development of its students.

The school boasts state-of-the-art facilities including modern classrooms, laboratories, a library, a performance theater, and athletic facilities. These facilities enhance the learning experience and provide opportunities for students to explore their interests beyond the classroom.

Pros of attending Danville Community High School include a rigorous academic curriculum, dedicated teachers and staff, a wide variety of extracurricular activities, and a strong sense of community. Students have the chance to engage in clubs, organizations, sports, and community service initiatives that cater to their interests and passions.

Some potential cons of attending Danville Community High School may include limited course offerings based on student demand, high student-to-teacher ratios in certain classes, and limited resources for specialized programs.

This comprehensive description provides an overview of Danville Community High School, covering its classes, grades, disciplines, facilities, and the pros and cons of attending. It offers valuable insights for prospective students and their families looking to understand the school.

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