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Central Elementary School

Lebanon, 515 E Williams St, Lebanon, IN 46052, USA

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of 6 schools, Lebanon

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Features, Central Elementary School

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Central Elementary School

Central Elementary School in Lebanon, IN provides classes for students in grades K-5. The school offers a comprehensive curriculum in various disciplines including math, science, language arts, and social studies. The dedicated and experienced staff at Central Elementary School ensures a high-quality education for all students. The facilities at Central Elementary School are modern and well-maintained. The school features a spacious library with a vast collection of books, allowing students to explore various subjects and enhance their reading skills. Additionally, there is a computer lab equipped with the latest technology, enabling students to develop their digital literacy skills. Central Elementary School also offers a secure and inviting playground where students can engage in physical activities and socialize with their peers. The playground is equipped with age-appropriate equipment and provides a safe environment for students to play and have fun. One of the significant pros of Central Elementary School is the involvement of the community. The school actively encourages parents and community members to participate in school events and activities, fostering a strong sense of belonging and support for students and staff. However, one potential con of Central Elementary School is the limited availability of extracurricular activities. While the school focuses on providing a strong academic foundation, there may be fewer options for students to explore their interests outside of the regular curriculum. Overall, Central Elementary School in Lebanon, IN is committed to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment for students to learn and grow. With its dedicated staff, modern facilities, and strong community involvement, the school ensures that students receive a well-rounded education.
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