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Thomas A Edison Jr-sr HS

Lake Station, 3304 Parkside Ave, Lake Station, IN 46405, USA

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of 5 schools, Lake Station

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7 - 12

Features, Thomas A Edison Jr-sr HS

Middle school
High school

Rating, Thomas A Edison Jr-sr HS

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General information, Thomas A Edison Jr-sr HS

Thomas A Edison Jr-sr HS in Lake Station, IN offers a comprehensive education for students in grades 7-12. The school provides a wide range of classes and disciplines to meet the needs and interests of its diverse student body. From core subjects like math, science, and English, to elective classes in art, music, and technology, students have the opportunity to explore their passions and develop key skills for future success.

The school features state-of-the-art facilities including well-equipped classrooms, science labs, computer labs, and a library. There is also a gymnasium for physical education classes and sports activities, as well as a cafeteria that serves nutritious meals to students.

Pros of Thomas A Edison Jr-sr HS include a dedicated and experienced faculty who provide personalized attention to each student, ensuring their academic and personal growth. The school also offers various extracurricular activities, including sports teams, clubs, and community service opportunities.

However, some potential cons may include a large student population, which can lead to crowded classrooms and limited individualized attention. Additionally, the school's location may be a disadvantage for some students who live far away and have to commute.

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