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South Central Elementary School

Union Mills, 9808 S 600 W, Union Mills, IN 46382, USA

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Features, South Central Elementary School

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, South Central Elementary School

South Central Elementary School Union Mills is a well-established educational institution located in Union Mills, Indiana. The school offers quality education to students from various grades. The classes are designed to provide a strong foundation in core subjects such as math, science, English, and social studies. In addition to the academic curriculum, the school also focuses on extracurricular activities to enhance students' overall development.

South Central Elementary School Union Mills provides education for elementary grade levels, typically ranging from kindergarten to fifth grade. The school maintains a low student-to-teacher ratio, ensuring personalized attention and individualized learning experiences for each student. The dedicated and qualified faculty members strive to create a positive and inclusive learning environment.

The school offers a wide range of disciplines to give students exposure to different subjects and interests. Along with the core subjects, students can explore art, music, physical education, and computer science. These disciplines are designed to foster creativity, critical thinking, and physical well-being in students.

The facilities at South Central Elementary School Union Mills are well-maintained and provide a conducive environment for learning and growth. The school has spacious classrooms equipped with modern technology to support effective teaching and learning. There are also dedicated spaces for the arts, music, and physical education activities.

Pros of South Central Elementary School Union Mills include a strong academic curriculum, dedicated faculty, and a focus on extracurricular activities. The school's commitment to maintaining a low student-to-teacher ratio ensures individual attention and support for each student. The well-maintained facilities provide an excellent learning environment.

Cons of South Central Elementary School Union Mills are not mentioned as it would require further investigation or a personal assessment.

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