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Frank Church High (altern)

Boise, 8051 W Salt Creek Ct, Boise, ID 83709, USA

General information



of 73 schools, Boise

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Contacts, Frank Church High (altern)


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7 - 12

Features, Frank Church High (altern)

Middle school
High school

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General information, Frank Church High (altern)

Frank Church High is a reputable high school located in Boise, Idaho. The school offers a diverse range of classes and disciplines, providing students with a well-rounded education. From mathematics to literature, students have the opportunity to explore various subjects and develop their skills and knowledge.

The school follows a traditional grading system, with letter grades ranging from A to F. The teachers at Frank Church High are dedicated and passionate about their subjects, ensuring that students receive a quality education. They are always available to provide guidance and support, helping students excel academically.

The facilities at Frank Church High are top-notch. The classrooms are equipped with modern technologies, providing students with an interactive and engaging learning environment. The school also has well-stocked libraries and science labs, allowing students to conduct experiments and conduct research.

One of the significant pros of attending Frank Church High is the excellent academic programs. The school offers advanced courses and college preparation programs, helping students to prepare for higher education. The school focuses on providing a challenging curriculum that prepares students for success in their future endeavors.

Frank Church High strives to maintain a welcoming and inclusive environment. It promotes diversity and encourages students to embrace different cultures and perspectives. The faculty and staff work together to create a safe and supportive space for all students.

However, there are a few cons to consider. Frank Church High may have limited extracurricular activities compared to other schools. While the school offers some clubs and sports teams, the options may be more limited due to its size. Additionally, the large student population may result in larger class sizes, which can impact individualized attention.

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