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Harlem Middle School

Harlem, 375 W Forrest St, Harlem, GA 30814, USA

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General information, Harlem Middle School

Harlem Middle School is located in Harlem, GA and provides education for students in grades 6-8. The school offers a diverse range of classes and disciplines, allowing students to explore various subjects and interests.

In terms of academics, Harlem Middle School offers core classes such as English, math, science, and social studies. Additionally, students have the opportunity to take electives including art, music, and physical education. This provides a well-rounded education, exposing students to different areas of study.

The school also has various facilities to support student learning. The library offers a wide selection of books and resources for students to expand their knowledge. The computer lab provides access to technology for research and learning purposes. Additionally, Harlem Middle School has a gymnasium for physical education classes and extracurricular activities.

While Harlem Middle School offers a strong academic curriculum, one potential con is the limited availability of extracurricular activities. Students may find fewer options for clubs and after-school programs compared to larger schools. However, the school focuses on creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment to ensure students' overall success.

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