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Buford Academy

Buford, 2705 Robert Bell Pkwy, Buford, GA 30518, USA

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Features, Buford Academy

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Buford Academy

Buford Academy is a school located in Buford, Georgia, offering education for students from various grades. The academy provides a wide range of classes in different disciplines to ensure a well-rounded education. Students can expect high-quality instruction from dedicated teachers who foster a positive learning environment. The academy's facilities are well-maintained and equipped to support effective teaching and learning. With a strong emphasis on academic excellence, Buford Academy prepares students for success in their future endeavors.

The curriculum at Buford Academy covers core subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies, as well as specialized classes in areas like Art, Music, and Physical Education. The academy promotes a comprehensive education that includes both academic and extracurricular activities to encourage all-round development.

Pros of Buford Academy include its experienced teaching staff, commitment to academic excellence, and well-equipped facilities. Students are given opportunities to explore and excel in their areas of interest, and the academy provides a supportive learning environment.

However, a potential con of Buford Academy is its limited extracurricular options compared to larger schools. While the academy offers a range of activities, students seeking a wider array of extracurricular opportunities may need to explore other avenues.

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