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Upson-lee North Elementary School

Thomaston, Knight Trail, Thomaston, GA 30286, USA

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General information, Upson-lee North Elementary School

Upson-lee North Elementary School is located in Thomaston, GA. The school provides education for students from pre-K to 5th grade. It offers a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on core subjects such as Math, English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. The dedicated faculty consists of experienced teachers who are passionate about providing a quality education to their students.

The school boasts modern facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, a library, and a computer lab that serves as a valuable resource for students' learning and research. The expansive playgrounds provide ample space for students to engage in physical activities during recess.

One of the pros of Upson-lee North Elementary School is the strong community support it receives. The school enjoys an active and involved parent-teacher association that organizes various events and activities throughout the year. This partnership between parents and teachers ensures a supportive learning environment for the students.

However, one of the cons of the school is the limited extracurricular activities available to students. While there are some clubs and organizations, the options may be somewhat limited compared to larger schools. Nevertheless, the school focuses on providing a solid academic foundation for its students.

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