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Union Point Elementary

Union Point, 1401 GA-77, Union Point, GA 30669, USA

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Features, Union Point Elementary

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Union Point Elementary

Union Point Elementary is a school located in Union Point, Georgia. It offers classes for students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. The school provides a well-rounded education with a focus on core subjects such as mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies. In addition to the core curriculum, students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities including art, music, physical education, and computer science.

The school prides itself on its dedicated and experienced teaching staff who are committed to creating a positive and inclusive learning environment. The classrooms are equipped with modern technology to enhance the learning experience. Union Point Elementary also has a spacious library that provides students with access to a wide range of books and resources.

One of the major advantages of Union Point Elementary is its small class sizes, which allow for individualized attention and a more personalized education. The school also has a supportive and involved parent community, which contributes to a strong sense of community and enhances the overall educational experience.

As for facilities, Union Point Elementary boasts a playground where students can engage in physical activity and socialize during recess. The school also has a cafeteria that provides nutritious meals for students.

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