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Shirley Hills Elementary School

Warner Robins, 300 Mary Ln, Warner Robins, GA 31088, USA

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PK - 5

Features, Shirley Hills Elementary School

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Shirley Hills Elementary School

Shirley Hills Elementary School, located in Warner Robins, GA, is a primary school providing education from kindergarten to fifth grade. The school offers a comprehensive curriculum that focuses on core subjects such as English, math, science, and social studies. In addition to the core classes, students also have access to various specialist classes including art, music, and physical education, enhancing their educational experience. The school has a dedicated and highly qualified teaching staff who creates a supportive and nurturing environment for the students.

The school boasts excellent facilities including well-equipped classrooms, a library for students to cultivate reading skills, and a computer lab for digital literacy development. Shirley Hills Elementary School organizes different activities and extracurricular programs to encourage student engagement and enhance their overall skills. These activities include clubs, field trips, and community service initiatives.

Pros: Shirley Hills Elementary School offers a well-rounded education with a focus on academics and enrichment programs. The dedicated teaching staff ensures each student's personal growth and development. The school's facilities provide a conducive environment for learning and exploration.

Cons: Some parents may find the class sizes to be slightly larger than desired, resulting in less individualized attention for students. Additionally, the school could benefit from expanding its extracurricular offerings to cater to a wider range of student interests.

In conclusion, Shirley Hills Elementary School is committed to providing a high-quality education to its students while fostering a supportive and inclusive community. With its comprehensive curriculum, dedicated teachers, and excellent facilities, the school strives to create an enriching learning environment for all its students.

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