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Sam D. Panter Elementary School

Hiram, 190 Panter School Rd, Hiram, GA 30141, USA

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of 4 schools, Hiram

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Contacts, Sam D. Panter Elementary School


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KG - 5

Features, Sam D. Panter Elementary School

Elementary school
Middle school

Rating, Sam D. Panter Elementary School

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General information, Sam D. Panter Elementary School

Sam D. Panter Elementary School is located in Hiram, Georgia, and provides quality education to students in grades K-5. The school offers a wide range of classes and disciplines, including math, science, language arts, social studies, art, music, and physical education.

The school's dedicated and experienced teachers create a nurturing and inclusive learning environment where students can thrive. They utilize a variety of teaching methods to cater to different learning styles and ensure every student's success.

The facilities at Sam D. Panter Elementary School are well-maintained and equipped with modern technology to enhance learning experiences. The classrooms are spacious and equipped with interactive whiteboards, computers, and other resources.

Students at Sam D. Panter Elementary School are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, including after-school clubs and sports, to develop their interests and talents outside the classroom. The school also organizes field trips, assemblies, and events throughout the year to provide students with enriching experiences.

Pros: - Dedicated and experienced teachers - Inclusive and nurturing learning environment - Wide range of classes and disciplines - Well-maintained facilities with modern technology - Opportunities for extracurricular activities and enrichment

Cons: - No high school grades offered

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