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Belwood Elementary School

Calhoun, 590 Belwood Rd, Calhoun, GA 30701, USA

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of 12 schools, Calhoun

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PK - 5

Features, Belwood Elementary School

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Belwood Elementary School

Belwood Elementary School Calhoun is located in Calhoun, GA and serves students from various grades. The school offers a wide range of classes and disciplines, ensuring a well-rounded education for students. Teachers are highly qualified and dedicated to providing a positive learning environment.

Belwood Elementary School Calhoun offers classes for grades K-5, covering subjects such as math, science, English, and social studies. Students also have access to special classes such as art, music, and physical education. The school's curriculum is designed to meet the academic needs of every student.

The school boasts excellent facilities, including spacious classrooms equipped with modern technology. The library provides a wide selection of books to enhance students' reading skills. Belwood Elementary School Calhoun also has a playground where students can enjoy recreational activities and develop their physical abilities.

Pros of Belwood Elementary School Calhoun include a dedicated faculty, diverse educational opportunities, and a supportive community. Teachers and staff work together to ensure students receive personalized attention and are encouraged to reach their full potential. The school's strong emphasis on character development helps create well-rounded individuals.

While Belwood Elementary School Calhoun provides a nurturing environment for students, there may be some cons to consider. Due to the school's popularity, class sizes can be large, which may limit individual attention. Additionally, the school's location may present transportation challenges for some families.

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