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Robinson Elementary School

Dawsonville, 1150 Perimeter Rd, Dawsonville, GA 30534, USA

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PK - 5

Features, Robinson Elementary School

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Robinson Elementary School

Robinson Elementary School in Dawsonville, GA, offers a comprehensive education for students in grades K-5. The school provides a range of classes, including language arts, math, science, social studies, and physical education. Dedicated teachers create a supportive learning environment and engage students in various interactive activities.

The school provides well-maintained facilities, including spacious classrooms, a library, computer labs, and a gymnasium. The library offers a wide selection of books and resources for students to enhance their reading and research skills. Computer labs are equipped with modern technology, allowing students to develop their computer literacy. The gymnasium is used for physical education classes and also serves as a space for various extracurricular activities.

Robinson Elementary School encourages a holistic approach to education, focusing not only on academics but also on character development. The school promotes values such as respect, responsibility, and kindness, fostering an inclusive and positive school culture. This helps students to develop strong social-emotional skills and become well-rounded individuals.

Pros of Robinson Elementary School include a dedicated and experienced teaching staff, a supportive learning environment, well-maintained facilities, and a focus on character development. The school also offers various extracurricular activities, allowing students to explore their interests and talents outside of the classroom.

Although Robinson Elementary School provides a high-quality education, a potential con is that it does not offer education beyond the 5th grade. Students would need to transition to a different school for middle school education. However, this transition is often seen as an opportunity for growth and new experiences.

Overall, Robinson Elementary School in Dawsonville provides a nurturing and enriching learning environment for students, with a focus on academic excellence and character development.

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