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Oglethorpe Point Elementary School

Saint Simons Island, 6200 Frederica Rd, Saint Simons Island, GA 31522, USA

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Contacts, Oglethorpe Point Elementary School


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PK - 5

Features, Oglethorpe Point Elementary School

Elementary school
Middle school

Rating, Oglethorpe Point Elementary School

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General information, Oglethorpe Point Elementary School

Oglethorpe Point Elementary School is located in Saint Simons Island, GA. The school offers programs for students in grades K-5, providing them with a well-rounded education. The curriculum includes classes in English, math, science, social studies, and art. The school also offers special classes in music, physical education, and technology.

Facilities at Oglethorpe Point Elementary School include spacious classrooms, a library, a computer lab, and a playground for students to enjoy. The school is committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for all students, with dedicated teachers who are experienced in helping children reach their full potential.

Pros of Oglethorpe Point Elementary School include a strong focus on academic excellence, a variety of extracurricular activities and clubs, and a close-knit community that fosters strong relationships among students, parents, and teachers. The school also encourages parental involvement and offers various opportunities for parents to be engaged in their child's education.

As with any school, there may be some cons to consider. These can include limited resources for certain programs or activities, potential overcrowding, and the challenges associated with any large educational institution. However, Oglethorpe Point Elementary School strives to address and mitigate these cons to provide the best possible education for its students.

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