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Athenian Academy Of Pasco County

New Port Richey, 3118 Seven Springs Blvd, New Port Richey, FL 34655, USA

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Features, Athenian Academy Of Pasco County

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Athenian Academy Of Pasco County

The Athenian Academy of Pasco County is a school located in New Port Richey, Florida. The school offers classes from pre-kindergarten to eighth grade. Students can expect a well-rounded education in a variety of disciplines including math, science, language arts, and social studies. The school also offers special classes such as music, art, and physical education.

The facilities at Athenian Academy are modern and well-maintained. The school features classrooms equipped with the latest technology, a library filled with a wide range of books, and a cafeteria that provides nutritious meals for students. The school also has a playground and outdoor sports fields where students can engage in physical activities.

Pros of attending Athenian Academy include a dedicated and experienced faculty who are committed to the success of their students. The small class sizes allow for individualized attention. Moreover, the school promotes a safe and inclusive learning environment where students feel supported and encouraged to reach their full potential.

However, there are a few cons to consider. As a charter school, Athenian Academy has a specific curriculum and may not offer certain specialized classes or programs that some students may be interested in. Additionally, the school does not have transportation services, so parents will need to arrange their own transportation for their children.

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