USA, Grandview Heights Look up

Greenfield Elementary School

Jacksonville, 6343 Knights Ln N, Jacksonville, FL 32216, USA

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of 207 schools, Jacksonville

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PK - 5

Features, Greenfield Elementary School

Elementary school
Middle school

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General information, Greenfield Elementary School

Greenfield Elementary School is located in Jacksonville, Florida. The school offers classes from kindergarten to grade 5, providing a comprehensive education to students of various ages and grade levels. The teachers at Greenfield Elementary are highly experienced and dedicated, ensuring that each student receives individualized attention and support.

The school focuses on a wide range of disciplines, including mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, and physical education. Additionally, students have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities such as music, art, and technology classes, fostering their creative and critical thinking skills.

Greenfield Elementary School boasts modern and well-equipped facilities, including spacious classrooms, a library, a computer lab, and a playground for recreational activities. The school also promotes a safe and inclusive learning environment, with a strong emphasis on character development and building positive relationships among students and staff.

Pros of Greenfield Elementary School include its commitment to academic excellence, dedicated teaching staff, and the availability of various extracurricular activities. The school also provides a strong foundation for students transitioning to higher grades and future educational endeavors.

Cons of Greenfield Elementary School may include the limited resources for specialized programs and the absence of certain facilities or amenities commonly found in larger schools. However, the school compensates for these limitations through its focus on personalized education and nurturing a supportive community.

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