USA, Grandview Heights أبحث عن

Greenacres Elementary School

Greenacres, 405 Jackson Ave, Greenacres, FL 33463, USA

معلومات عامة


جهات الاتصال, Greenacres Elementary School


الرمز البريدي

(561) 649-7200



PK - 5

المميزات, Greenacres Elementary School

مرحلة ما قبل الروضة
روضة اطفال
الدراسة الأبتدائية
المدرسة المتوسطة

التقييم, Greenacres Elementary School

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صور المستخدمين, Greenacres Elementary School

تم تحميل 0 الصورة

معلومات عامة, Greenacres Elementary School

Greenacres Elementary School is a vibrant educational institution located in Greenacres, Florida. Our school offers a comprehensive range of classes for students from kindergarten to grade 5. With a dedicated and experienced teaching staff, we ensure that our students receive a high-quality education in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Our curriculum covers a diverse range of disciplines, including mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, and physical education. We believe in providing a well-rounded education that fosters intellectual growth, critical thinking skills, and a love for learning. Our teachers employ innovative teaching methods and utilize modern educational resources to engage students and enhance their learning experiences.

Greenacres Elementary School proudly offers various facilities that support student learning and development. Our campus features well-equipped classrooms, a library, computer labs, an art room, and a playground. These facilities provide students with opportunities to explore their interests, develop their creativity, and engage in physical activities that promote overall well-being.

Pros of Greenacres Elementary School:

  • Dedicated and experienced teaching staff
  • Comprehensive curriculum covering various disciplines
  • Innovative teaching methods and modern educational resources
  • Well-equipped facilities supporting student learning and development
  • Supportive and nurturing environment

Cons of Greenacres Elementary School:

  • None reported at this time

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