USA, Bridgeport أبحث عن

Kipp Dc Arts & Technology Academy Pcs

Washington, 5300 Blaine St NE, Washington, DC 20019, USA

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جهات الاتصال, Kipp Dc Arts & Technology Academy Pcs


الرمز البريدي

(202) 398-6811




المميزات, Kipp Dc Arts & Technology Academy Pcs

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معلومات عامة, Kipp Dc Arts & Technology Academy Pcs

Kipp DC Arts & Technology Academy Pcs is a public charter school located in the city of Washington, DC. The school offers a comprehensive education for students in grades 5 through 8.

The academy provides a diverse range of classes encompassing core subjects such as math, science, English, and social studies. Additionally, students have the opportunity to explore various disciplines including arts and technology. This allows them to develop their creative skills and foster their interest in areas such as music, visual arts, and technology.

The school boasts state-of-the-art facilities to enhance the learning experience. Students have access to well-equipped classrooms, a library, a computer lab, and a variety of artistic spaces. These facilities enable students to engage in hands-on learning and promote interdisciplinary approaches to education.

Pros of Kipp DC Arts & Technology Academy Pcs include its commitment to providing a well-rounded education by integrating arts and technology into the curriculum. The school creates a supportive and inclusive environment, fostering the growth and development of each student. Additionally, the faculty members are dedicated professionals who strive to nurture a passion for learning in their students.

However, it's essential to consider some cons as well. Due to the diverse range of classes and activities, students may find it challenging to balance their workload. Additionally, as a public charter school, the academy may face limited funding and resources compared to traditional public schools.

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