USA, Grandview Heights أبحث عن

Woodbridge Middle School

Bridgeville, 307 S Laws St, Bridgeville, DE 19933, USA

معلومات عامة


جهات الاتصال, Woodbridge Middle School


الرمز البريدي

(302) 337-8289



6 - 8

المميزات, Woodbridge Middle School

المدرسة المتوسطة

التقييم, Woodbridge Middle School

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صور المستخدمين, Woodbridge Middle School

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معلومات عامة, Woodbridge Middle School

Woodbridge Middle School Bridgeville is located in Bridgeville, Delaware. It offers education for students in grades 6 to 8. The school provides a comprehensive curriculum that covers various disciplines including English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and more. The classes are designed to promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills.

Woodbridge Middle School offers a wide range of facilities to support student learning and development. It features well-equipped classrooms, computer labs, a library, and a gymnasium. The school also offers extracurricular activities including sports, clubs, and organizations to enhance students' overall learning experience.

Pros of Woodbridge Middle School Bridgeville include its dedicated and experienced faculty who are committed to providing quality education. The school also offers a safe and supportive environment for students to learn and grow. The facilities and resources available contribute to a conducive learning environment.

However, it is important to note that every school has its own set of challenges. Some potential cons of Woodbridge Middle School Bridgeville may include limited resources for specialized programs and classes, as well as a large student population, which may lead to crowded classrooms.

Overall, Woodbridge Middle School Bridgeville is a reputable institution that provides a well-rounded education to its students, preparing them for success in high school and beyond.

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