USA, Bridgeport Selectarea instituțiilor

The Number of Students Taking Online Courses Is Quickly Rising, but Perceptions Are Changing Slowly

The Number of Students Taking Online Courses Is Quickly Rising, but Perceptions Are Changing Slowly

The trend of taking online courses has increased drastically in United States. In both higher education and K-12 options that are provided to the students in United States where the students can take up blended courses, whole courses or at some places the students have the facility of completing the entire degree online which is more prevalent in US than ever.

According a survey that was conducted to find out the enrollments that have been made in online courses showed that from 2012 to 2016 there has been experienced an increase of 17.2 percent whereas the overall enrollment has seen to decrease.


The researchers further found out the public perception regarding online courses has moved in the positive direction which is proved by a large number of enrollments in online courses.

Further a survey was distributed among the students and the professors of different universities to find that what kind of education is provided to the students by these universities. In response to this question nearly 46% of the Americans agreed with the fact that they are being provided with high quality education

Autor: KP
USA, Bridgeport Autorizare