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Starting Small Standing Tall is a childcare facility with fantastic opportunities for kids from all ages. Our Facility & Services:
We operate from 7:30am – 6:00pm to facilitate working parents. Our staff arrive at work at 7:15am in order to open the crèche properly and we would request that parents do not drop their child into the crèche until 7:30am. We cater for children from five months to twelve years of age. We are delighted to be able to provide you with a wide range of childcare options under one roof.
Each room is designed around the age group of the children that are in it. All of the different rooms at Starting Small Standing Tall are designed to incorporate play, we believe that play is central to the well-being, development and learning of the young child. We have designed each room around play as we believe that play is an important medium through which the child interacts with, explores and makes sense of the world around her/him. These interactions through play with other children, adults, materials, events and ideas, are key to the child’s well-being. Play is a source of joy and fulfilment for the child. Play is our primary focus on how we optimise quality childhood experiences.
We have a spacious, brightly decorated baby room, which is full of natural light and age appropriate toys and soft flooring. In this room we cater for babies from the age of five months to fourteen months or when they start to walk. In our baby room we give the babies a sense of belonging by displaying photographs of your child with their family and also photographs of them during the various activities that they participate in. Even as babies they love to crawl over to see themselves in the photos up on the walls. We have many activities available for the babies, some of the favourite’s are playing with the treasure basket, music play and sensory activities for example water& sand play, jelly & cream play, snow play, painting and rainbow oats. We also have a little train those seats up to three children which we use to transport them around the childcare facility indoors and outdoors, the children can mix with our older children and siblings and explore the many play areas.
There are different areas set up around the room such as the soft play area, the ball pit area, the mirrored area, the comfort zone. We encourage each baby to try out different foods and introduce as much variety into their diet as possible, for example avocados, butternut squash soup. We have variety of seating for the babies, we provide these seating options so the babies who are not yet crawling are not limited to a particular area in the room. Of course we also have comfortable chairs for our staff to sit in with the babies who like to be cuddled.
There is an adjoining separate baby sleep room with appropriate size cots. In another adjoining room is the nappy changing room again separate from the main baby room area.
The Wobbler Room is also a brightly decorated, spacious room that is also full of natural light. In this room we cater for babies who are just walking, hence the name of the room. The children are range between the ages of fourteen months to two years in this room.
The room has age appropriate toys and tables and chairs to fit the wobbler age group. The chairs have sides on them so that the wobblers learn how to sit safely in a chair at a table. At the table the wobblers learn to self-feed and grow in their independence from this huge move of learning to feed themselves and they also learn to communicate and share while sitting around the table from each other.
The wobbler room has a reading corner, a home corner, a construction area. There is access to sand and water play, music, mirrors, sand & water play, painting and using play dough. The wobblers are introduced to role play through the dress up area. The wobblers are also introduced to a library in their room, in their library they learn how to handle books and how to care for them and they see that there is a structure to the library. The wobblers have lots of room to free play and use their imagination through play in this large inviting room.
The Toddler room, this again is a brightly decorated, spacious room that is full of natural light. In this room we cater for children from the age of 2-3 years of age. Similar to the wobbler room the room has age appropriate toys and tables and chairs to fit the toddler age group.
The toddler room is very similar to the wobbler room and also has a reading corner, a home corner, a construction area. There is also access to sand and water play, music, mirrors, dress up area, library area, sand & water play, painting and using play dough. The toddlers have lots of room for free play and use their imagination through play in this large inviting room.
The wobblers and the toddlers have direct access to their playground through double French doors in each of their rooms, the playground is specifically purpose built for the wobbler/toddler age group. The wobblers/toddlers also have use of the large 5 person swing in the preschool playground and the wobblers can have great fun running around in our astro turf, this area is also used for teddy bear picnics and sports days for the wobblers and toddlers. The front garden is also there for the children's use, this is a natural garden with a large wooden two storey playhouse. The children love this area to run free in and learn from the natural environment.
At Starting Small Standing Tall Childcare, we believe strongly that the child should have lots of movement from room to room, we believe that a child should not stay in the one room for 8 hours a day or more. Due to this belief we have created an environment where the child is moving on a regular basis from one room to another. The wobblers and toddlers have their base in the wobbler/toddler room but then throughout the day they move to the playgrounds outside, the ball room upstairs, the art room upstairs, the dining room for the meals and the sleep room for their bedtime. There is a separate toilet area and also a separate nappy changing area in rooms attached to the wobbler room.
We have three separate Preschool rooms; this is so that parents have a variety of choice of which type of Preschool they want their child to go to. We have a Playschool Room, a Montessori Room and a Naionra Room. The Preschool rooms provide a holistic programme of early education. Preschool children can remain at Starting Small Standing Tall in the afternoon where a less structured programme is available. Please see our Preschool Parent Handbook for a more detail on our Preschools.
We have two adjoining Afterschool rooms. In the afterschool service we provide transport to and from some schools in the mornings and afternoons. We provide a breakfast club from 7:30am – 9:00am in the mornings. We provide Speech & Drama classes. During mid-term breaks and summer holidays we have camps for our afterschool children. The camps start at 10:00am until 3:00pm. Please see our Afterschool Parent handbook for more detail on our afterschool programme.
We also provide an Art room that is fully equipped for art classes for all the children from babies up to afterschool. We also have a kiln in our Art room that we use to make pottery with the children to take home.