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The Parks School (Community Special School)

Oakham, Oakham CE Primary School, Burley Rd, Oakham LE15 6GY, UK

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Child care


of 1 child cares, Oakham

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Contacts, The Parks School (Community Special School)

LE15 6GY

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Features, The Parks School (Community Special School)


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General information, The Parks School (Community Special School)

The Parks School is a community special school located in Oakham, UK. It caters to a range of groups, including students with special educational needs and disabilities. The school supports students from various age groups and provides a nurturing and inclusive environment for their development.

Special disciplines at The Parks School include tailored educational programs, therapeutic support, and specialized interventions to meet the unique needs of each student. The school's dedicated staff members work closely with students to provide personalized learning experiences and promote their wellbeing.

The facilities at The Parks School are designed to support students' learning and development. These include classrooms equipped with appropriate resources, sensory areas, outdoor play spaces, and multi-purpose halls for various activities. The school also provides access to assistive technologies and adaptive equipment to further enhance students' learning experiences.

Pros of The Parks School include its commitment to providing a supportive and inclusive environment, highly trained staff, and a focus on individualized learning. The school's emphasis on collaboration with families and professionals further contributes to the overall success of its students. Additionally, the school's facilities and specialized programs cater to the diverse needs of students with special educational needs and disabilities.

However, it is important to consider the limitations of The Parks School. Depending on the individual needs of a student, certain specialized programs or services may not be available. Additionally, availability of places at the school could be limited due to high demand.

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